Mental Health services

Growing Together is a new NHS mental health service for parents with young children (aged 1 to 5).

Click here for more information and/or a leaflet in another language.

If you think you might benefit from this service ask your GP or Health Visitor to refer you.


iCope: Camden and Islington Psychological Therapies Service

Patients can be referred to this service by their GP or they can call the self-referral phone number 0303 123 1000.

iCope has a new website .

The website has been designed to help people self-refer to their services and to provide information.

Individuals who may be wary about speaking to friends, family or professionals about depression and anxiety can visit the iCope website and find information about a range of problems.

Features of the site include:

  • Easy access to information
  • A range of self-help materials and video links
  • Intelligent search facility
  • A self-referral form within the website, enabling easy access to our service
  • Translated materials
  • Opportunity for feedback from service users

If you’re feeling distressed, anxious or need help with your mental health then please get in touch with your GP or contact Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I) on 020 3317 6800. Out of hours, call 111.

If you are already known to C&I, follow the information in your crisis plan.

In an emergency, call 999.

Free, confidential information is available at the link below: